Artist’s news

Projects, events

Children Books

Toronto based start up Magnetree wich offers unique line of personalized magnetic children's books has chosen the title « Off the Map » by FRAGMENTS to illustrate their online promotional and explainer video.
Check it out!

Show Reel

Stop motion, music videos and short films director Remi Caritey just used the song « Echoes » by FRAGMENTS to showcase his latest works. You can have a look at his
2015 demo real soon here..


E-scape is a solo danced to the music of Vlad Roda Gil, choreographed by G.Verièpe. Hologramic, holophoniques, video, music and dance are one attempt to achieve the goal of disrupting the senses,deconstruct the space to magnify human loneliness.

Caprices de Marianne

The new Théâtre of Angers, attends the meeting the great French romanticism, through the subtle and injured writing of Musset. Vincent Erdeven has composed the soundtrack and found the right measure not to break De Musset’s theater’s delicacy.

The Blind suns

With their "Dream Pop" open to all horizons - Shoegaze discretion evoking Jesus & Mary Chain, Surf guitars « à la " Dick Dale, The Blind will soon release a limited edition vinyl gracefully sustained by the united voices of Dorota and Romain.


Although the project is rather young the band will perform atmajor festivals this year and have gained a growing popularity among various kind of audiences with a pared down and atmospheric sound.They are curently puting the final touch to their 1st album.

