Original Music For All

Anywhere & Whenever you want

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customized playlists at your fingertips

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you think might do a great job for you!


Taylored made to your needs and amazing pre-existing music and songs in many genres and repertoires


Fast moving approach and guidance to respond to your specific needs based on your time frame and budget


We negociate and handle carefully all aspects of licencing and international music rights clearance


Full score, stems and intrumentals in H.D formats to match with today’s broadcasting requirements

What We Do

A talent management, licencing and music publishing agency, you need great music and talented composers
for your specific project, movie, art, advertising ..?

We are a music interface providing existing, original and unforgettable sound. Talent supplier to provide a unique music that perfectly fits with your images and desires.

Music News

Song of the week

For electronic, post rock atmospheric music lovers

Music is a critical component to creating successful films and videos. It gives your ambiance, and sets the emotional tone of your message. The right song will convey emotion, telegraph the audience how they should feel or add emotion to your story. We create a bridge between artistic talents, contents and production needs with musical quality. Press play now, It's all about the music!!

Music In Motion

"Good music is making something intelligible and memorable.
Great music is making something memorable and meaningful."